MDR 11 – About Remarriage in The Bible pt.II

Continuing from previous post

Re-Marriage I

Paul says…

I mention last time that the Jews put in the text ‘Jewish’ in their divorce documents – “You are free to marry whom Jewish man you want”. This to ensure that she was married into, and continued, in the Jewish faith. It is quite interesting to see that Paul also makes a similar addition by telling the Christian widows that they were ‘is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.’, ie a Christian man.

“A wife is bound as long as her husband lives; but if her husband is dead, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.” (1 Cor 7:39).

Although Paul did not speak to those who already was married or those who wanted to divorce, Go ahead and read more!

MDR 10 – About Remarriage in The Bible pt.I

Re-Marriage IIWe have actually reach 9 parts of the MDR series, and the 10th is coming here. It means we have covered some ground, both of matrimonial contract and divorce. What I see we haven’t cover so much is remarriage, as we now are going to take a closer look at, what the Bible is telling us about this question. Let me first put some light on some peoples mind and thoughts of what they use to come around this questions about remarriage.  Continue reading

MDR 5 – Jesu’s Teaching in Mat. 19:3-12



In MDR4 we discussed the core issue Pharisees and Jesus discussed, – Hillel’s teaching about ‘any cause’-divorce. Since we now already are in Mat. 19, I really want to take some of the points and teaching Jesus do here, about marriage in their discussion.

It may be that Jesus tried to ignore the Pharisees question, and focuses on what is more important, namely the actual marriage. Whatever, He brings Pharisees question to a much wider perspective, and in that way show them God’s meaning of the marriage itself, but also point out their misinterpretation of the law(s). Continue reading