Looking Back on Bood Moon Prophecy

Les denne på norsk! — Read it in norwegian!

blood moon tetrad 2014_15

Ai, time is flying. It is said that the time always flies fast when you have fun. It’s just that I’ve had so much fun lately that I didn’t notice that the endtime passed by, or at least the entrance of it. I wrote about Blood Moon Theology some time ago, and we’ll look at it again now to see how things have gone. Actually, I think I must be in the new kingdom now!  Theology

Before we proceed, I will ask you and encourage you strongly to read this entire post. This will save you for lot of frustration and fear, also a deception into which the Bible does not speak of at all.

Since there are more than Mr. Hagee who spread around false and corrupt teaching, which also John Shorey, Hal Lindsey, Jonathan Cahn, Mark Biltz and a bunch others do, will I here give a few strong examples and evidence from the Bible that disproves their teaching.

This applies not only to these guys from USA, but also from other parts of the world, including Norway where we also have many strong voices for this same false teaching. Although many do not follow Shorey, Hagee and the others, they still have very similar end-time eschatology; Dispensationalism.  Continue reading

The Blood Moon Theology

blood moon tetrad 2014_15

Yes, it’s time again for the “end-time prophets” to announce about some obvious natural phenomena which will come again and again… and again, as a sign of major traumatic things that will happen either to Israel or the whole world. In this days it’s the “Blood Moon” which is trendy, and John Hagee is maybe the one who shouts loudest in the “prophecy-chorus” about the blood moon.

John Hagee, one of the major voice within Bood Moon Theology/Prophecy/divination and is author of “Four Blood moon,” a book on the New York Times best seller list (Do not waste your money by buing the book, the explanation is as follows).

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Passing away of heaven and earth. Pt.3

The transition from the Old to New 

BigNewsWe are well into explaining if the two references to “heaven and earth”, in Revelation. 20:11 and Revelation. 21:1 is the same, and we began deciphering the intentions of using different words as “fled” and “passing” in these passages.

Revelation 20:11., is not written to indicate the nature of the event itself alone, but more to express majesty and power of God that brought these things to escape. In opposite to Rev. 20:11, Rev. 21:1 have a total different and obvious reference to just a nature of a particular event.

God is obvious here in Rev. 21:1-5 too, where He is identified as the Enthroned One, God the creator. But the purpose of language “passed away” in the sentence, “… the first heaven and the first earth were passed away” (Rev. 21:1), is not written to make a identity to him, in the opposit to Rev. 20:1. In the section of Revelation. 21:1-5 we read:  …well, go and read!

Eschatology in the Bible 2: Hole in end-time teaching

No foundation in a hole

In my last post we was in Matthew 24 and you saw what time frame Jesus speak in and what time frame the prophecy he gives in, specifically the first century before the year 70 AD. We will not let go of Matthew 24 completely yet, but bring it along with couple of other passages to see the gaps or “holes” that are added to the end-time question, to let it fit into a system. Forcing something into a system is also called Procrustes method, or bring something into a prokrustesbed, as Pentecostals and other evangelical use (Prokrustesbed = To put something on prokrustesbed is to exercise violence against the reality of getting it to fit in their system. Thus, the system scale, and not reality).  Continue reading

Eschatology in the Bible 1: The Timeframe in Matthew 24

Tonight is the meeting … Our guest speacher  is… Topic: “The battle for Jerusalem, the coming of the Lord”, says the ads at the churches today. Another site was the subject; – “End of Time, The Coming of Times.” Do they really know what will happend in the future? It is clear that “the end time” theme  is on the agenda … again, and I will join. Not to be the one that screams out to scare people to use my car and my mac when I have go to heavens, but to give you a picture of God’s plan. Read more and get into the serie of “Eschatology in the Bible”

The “secret rapture” theory

What is “the secret rapture” theory and where did it come from? First, will I list up mainly what it is.

  1. The New Testament church era, the initial phase of Christ’s kingdom, as prophesied by the Old Testament prophets.
  2. The New Testament church can win occasional victories, but eventually she will fail the mission, losing influence and corruption, as the worldwide “evil” increases towards the end of the church age.
  3. The church will pass through a future worldwide difficult time in travail. This era is known as the great tribulation that will put the sentence and the end of this modern era.
  4. Christ will return at the end of the tribulation, or right in such Church rapture, resurrect the dead saints and carry out the sentence of the righteous in “a moment”.
  5. Continue reading