Passing away of heaven and earth. Pt.2

In the previous post we started talking about our passages in Rev. 20:11. and Rev. 21:1 if they refers to the same event. We saw that they had some indirect similarities in semantics and image. We translated the words [pheugo] and [apelthan], each of which means; Pheugo = “run away”, “retreat” or “escape”. in the sense of getting away from an imminent threat. And apelthan = “pass” (at the moment), “going out” or “leave” (from one place to another place or on the road), or to pass away for good for then never to return.

We was also looking at the understanding of things are “lost” (Revelation 21:1) and ended by asking what is the purpose of using the various terms ([pheugo] and [apelthan]) in the associated with “Heaven and Earth “. I will start with the first word, [pheugo], in this post and wait with the other word, apelthan, for the next blog post.

Let us look at Rev. 20:11 and the purpose of using the word [pheugo] – fled, in this vers.  Continue reading

Passing Away of Heaven and Earth Pt.1

peanuts-theologyIn my quest to show what the Bible tells us in different contexts and places in the Bible, it has been almost impossible for me to avoid some theological terms and interpretation. Some people think I might have been too theological and the translations from Greek / Latin a bit hard to catch etc. I admit it myself, theology and translations of some Greek, Latin and Hebrew words have been used, but it is not easy to avoid it if one like to make explanations of words, images and contexts elsewhere in the Bible.

For those who might think I am trained in both latin and / or greek, or have some theological education, I can tell you right away that I have none of this and I am probably not any better than you in this things. What I can tell you that I do, is reading, not only the Bible but also some books, articles, blogs and notes, some have theological content and maybe that’s why it is so with my blog too. But please, excuse me while I’ll try to make it easier for you to read the blog … yes, with reservation to when I need to elaborate on things more :), otherwise it will just be the plain text from the Bible that you can read yourself in the Bible. …go read and see if it any easier to read my blog!

New Creation and The New Jerusalem


Eschatology is about time

It have been a long time since I posted something her at my english blog, actually 4 1/2 month since last time. Despite of my lack of posting, both here and on my Norwegian blog, it have come some comments on some of my post. Those post have obvious interested some people more than other post.

One of the post I wrote a while back ago, regarding the Bride and the New Jerusalem which is a part of the blog-series I have about Revelation of John. Not unexpected and very pleasant, there have been questions about these things. It is not entirely unexpected comments from close friends who are “millennial-believers” (dispensationism) and who wish me back to the prokrust-bed. What I have to say is that I’m finished customizing the Scripture and the prophecies to my size of bed, but I think it might be helpful to write a bit more regarding the Bride, the New Jerusalem and New Heaven and New Earth. It may help both, me and you.
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Israel – An Unconditional Rights or a Conditional Gift?

40 days or free

God fulfilled the delivery terms different from this pizza guy.
Copyright © 2011 The Zondervan Corporation.

The promise Land was conditional, what ever Christian Zionist says. In other words, the Jews had to keep the law of God to have the opportunity to remain in the land which I have shown by example. Deuteronomy 28 to emphasize the truth, but many have yet to see “the writing on the wall” if I may use such an expression. In Deuteronomy 28 we can also see all the things that were fulfilled in 70 AD, eg. they will eat their own children owing to hunger (verse 53, cf. War. 6:3:4 as you can read in the “eschatology of the Bible 4”). …read more about this delivery terms

Israel – Interpretation and Abraham Covenant

Jupp, I’m back on the blog as I have missed. There has been some hectic day here in the Philippines from establishing some money to give out Bibles to new believers (who do not have Bibles) to speak at La Salle University in Manila who took a lot of preparation and a helping hand to a “small” pastor, (which is larger than Most pastors I’ve met), near Manila landfill. And in between, and also important — an introvert also need to have some time to recharge the social batteries too.

Previous post regarding Israel Israel – Carnal or Spiritual? , if the hope of Israel was spiritual or carnal, and although many answers should be obvious already, is it still some Christians who do carnal works to promote what they believe in, namely that Israel as a state today is promised by God to the Jews, and that “their presence in their ancient land is a reminder to us of God’s faithfulness to his promises that are fulfilled before our eyes.” [Quoted from the introduction of a Norwegian book “The Dream of Messiah,” by David Østby and Joseph Østby]. Continue reading

Israel – Carnal or Spiritual?

Green Israel

Israel have great nature. From desert to fertile land. From mountains to land 377 m below the sea level. If you like to travel and like to walk on bible history ground, Israel might be your next destination.

I have finally come to the exciting part “Israel”, and it is not without reason that we must address Israel, for Israel have to do with the promises to Israel through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the hope, the kingdom of God and salvation. But not only that, I have receive many questions after the series of “Matthew 24” and “Revelation” regarding Israel today, God’s promise to Abraham, “the promised land” and how we should relate to Jews and Israel today.
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Revelation pt. 12 – Summary

Many calories has been eaten and burn since I last posted a post here, but I haven’t disappear totally. The reason for the long time is time… more specific lack of time. I have been in Norway and many other stuff have been going around, but I’m here.

We have went through 11 parts of the series of Revelation of John and are now come to an end. Since I like a series of 12 part better than 11, I want to end the series nicely  with a summary, so lets start.

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